Revitalize Your Path to Healing
Ketamine infusion therapy for safe, effective relief from depression, anxiety, PTSD, & chronic pain.
Ketamine Therapy In Fort Worth
Impact Infusions is a clinic committed to delivering innovative therapies
through ketamine infusions in a safe, comfortable environment.
About Us
Ketamine Therapy for Mental Health and Chronic Pain Serving the North Fort Worth Metro Area

Safe & Effective
Infusion Therapy is highly effective in treating mood disorders.

Innovative Approach
May reduce the dependency of antidepressant medication

Rapid Results
Depression treatment allows you to return to normal activities within a few hours.
What We Treat
4 Easy Steps to Relief

Schedule a Discovery Call to learn about Ketamine infusion therapy

Meet with our physician for an Initial Consult

Preparation session with a ketamine integration specialist

Ready to begin your infusion therapy treatments

Ketamine Infusion Therapy
Ketamine Therapy offered at Impact Infusions, provides a revolutionary approach to addressing mental health challenges and chronic pain. Backed by cutting-edge research, ketamine has demonstrated its efficacy in swiftly alleviating symptoms of conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy - KAP

Our Team
Improvements In Symptoms
The Results

Psychiatric Medications
30% - 60%
Response Rate
5% - 15%
Percentage Of Patients With Long-Term Results
Ketamine Therapy
70% - 90%
Response Rate
60% - 80%
Percentage Of Patients With Long-Term Results
- https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/ketamine-depression
- https://mindfulhealthsolutions.com/what-is-ketamine-infusion-therapy/
- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.784830/full
- https://www.psychiatrist.com/jcp/depression/clinical-effectiveness
- https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-022-04268-5
- https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ps.201900295#:~:text=NCQA%20defines
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8675611/
- https://www.nimh.nih.gov/funding/clinical-research/practical/stard/allmedicationlevels
- Patients who claim to be symptom-free after a multi-dose course of ketamine treatment: 38%
- Patients who claim an immediate relief from symptoms within 24 hours of first ketamine treatment > 50%
- Decrease in suicidal thoughts among patients with suicidal ideation after a multi-dose course of ketamine treatment: 63% (some studies claiming as high as 85%)